Hywel Jones
Principal Consultant
Hywel Jones is a Principal Consultant at Technopolis Group Belgium, leading a range of communication-focused projects, with two decades’ experience in writing for magazines, social media and web, interviews (for video and print), and organising webinars, workshops and conferences.
He currently leads monitoring and evaluation studies on communication campaigns and actions by the European Commission, including Continuous communication monitoring for DG ECFIN 2018-2020, 2020-21 and 2021-23 and the evaluation of the Citizens Panels as part of the Conference on the Future of Europe. In recent years he also led Evaluations of Green Week in 2016, 2017 & 2018 for DG ENV, the Monitoring of the InvestEU Communications Campaign for DG COMM, and developing a communication monitoring toolkit for DG TAXUD communication activities.
Hywel also manages stakeholder engagement projects chiefly in the domain of the green transition, including support for the Eco-innovation Action Plan, European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform and Zero Pollution Stakeholder Platform for DG ENV, and developing guidance on procuring/implementing sustainable infrastructure for DG GROW.
Hywel has contributed to evaluations of the EDEN Awards, InvestEU and EU Open for Business campaigns, DG REGIO communications, European Mobility Week and European Travel Commission promotional campaigns. He has experience in quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis. In particular, he has carried out detailed analysis of digital advertising, social media and online media on a range of platforms.
In addition to writing for the EPO, ERC and CORDIS, and editing the Research*EU Results (DG RTD), Environment For Europeans (DG ENV) and Telecom Product News (Elsevier Business) magazines, he has a background as a patent examiner. He is fluent in English and French and has a Master’s degree in Electronic Systems Engineering from Essex University in the UK, based on project work carried out at ESIEE in France and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany.