Evaluation of the COMET programme
Publicatiedatum: 4 juni 2021 | Taal: DE
In May 2020, Technopolis was commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) and the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs (BMDW) to evaluate the COMET programme.
The evaluation at hand refers to the 25 currently existing centres. The focus of the evaluation lies on the characterisation of the COMET centres as well as on COMET’s monitoring and performance measurement system. Due to the Covid-pandemic, which was in full effect at the time of the evaluation, methods were adapted; Interviews with stakeholders and the centres were mostly conducted via video calls or by telephone while planned on-site visits and international workshops could not be carried out. The central resources upon which the evaluation was based are a survey of the centres and their company and scientific partners as well as the FFG monitoring and funding data, which requested various harmonisation steps, and then opened new angles and perspectives of analysis. This includes, in particular, a historical review as well as a cluster and network analysis. The results are laid out in two dashboards; the Dashboard of the COMET Survey is anonymised and therefore publicly accessible.