Evaluating the 17 Strategic Innovation Programmes (SIPs)
Publicatiedatum: 6 januari 2022 | Taal: SV
The Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems (Vinnova), the Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning (Formas) and the Swedish Energy Agency commissioned Technopolis Sweden (Faugert & Co Utvärdering AB), in cooperation with Technopolis Ltd and Sweco AB, the task of evaluating the 17 Strategic Innovation Programmes (SIPs) that the three agencies co-fund. The objective of the SIP initiative is to create opportunities for international competitiveness and sustainable solutions to global societal challenges through new, long-term and in-depth national and international collaboration, focusing and renewal. The SIPs evaluated in the period January–December 2021 were:
- Strategic innovation programme Smart Built Environment
- Strategic innovation programme Medtech4Health
- Strategic innovation programme InfraSweden2030
- Strategic innovation programme Drive Sweden
- Strategic innovation programme RE:Source
The purposes of the evaluations were to identify results and early impacts as foundation for the agencies’ decision on continued funding, and to support both the agencies and the programme offices in ensuring that the SIPs can learn and develop in the best possible way. The five evaluations were summarised in a meta-evaluation.