Edit: this event has already taken place.
On behalf of the European Commission’s DG Growth and EASME, Technopolis Group and the ATI consortium are organising the event “Advanced Technology Policies for Green and Circular Industry” that will take place on Wednesday 10 February 2021, 10.00 – 12.30 CET. The event will be part of the #EUCircularTalks of the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform and the discussions will be continued in their forum.
The current pandemic has accelerated technological and digital transformation and it also strengthened efforts towards a green transition and the further development of circular economy business models. How should industrial recovery policies support a green, climate resilient economy in the short and longer terms? How should policymakers foster the shift to circular economy? How can digital transformation respect the environment?
In this context, the policy seminar will:
- present national and regional policy initiatives that couple circular economy and advanced technology/digital policies (e.g. related to energy efficient data centres, green cloud computing, intelligent machinery, AI for sustainability),
- discuss the results of the ATI project so far and how it can better monitor advanced technologies for green industry in the future.
This event is organised in collaboration with ACLIMA Basque Environment Cluster, DG ENV and the European Economic and Social Committee.
For more information on this webinar, please visit the ATI website.
Registration: please confirm your availability to attend this workshop by registering.
Tentative programme:
10:00 – 10:15 Welcome and introduction to the ATI project, European Commission
- European Commission, DG GROW representative
- William Neale, Adviser for Circular Economy and Green Growth, DG Environment, European Commission.
10:15 – 10:30 Presentation from ACLIMA on Basque Environment 4.0
- Olga Martin, Director General at ACLIMA Basque Environmental Cluster
10:30 – 10:45 ATI project and results from the “Responsible digital transformation – the bridge between digital and circular economy policies” report
- Kincsö Izsak, Principal Consultant at Technopolis Group, ATI Consortium
10:45 – 12:10 Panel discussion about the governance for green and digital policies
- Moderator: Cliona Howie, Head of Circular Economy at EIT Climate KIC
12:10 – 12:25 Interactive Q&A using Mural and open discussion
12:25 – 12:30 Closing remarks
- European Commission, DG GROW representative
Registration: please confirm your availability to attend this workshop by registering.
Edit: this event has already taken place. Have a look at the presentations from the event:
- Introduction to the ATI project
- Advanced Technology Policies for Green & Circular Industry
- Presentation from ACLIMA on Basque Environment 4.0
- Circular Economy and advanced digital policies: A perspective from civil society
- Linking green & digital policies in the Helsinki-Uusimaa Region
- Circular Economy powered by Smart Industry (CESI)