Anke Nooijen's article(s)
Anke Nooijen's report(s)
Impact assessment TBM programme (Applied Biomedical Research) in Flanders
Review Product Development Partnerships for fighting poverty related diseases
Businesscase alternative approaches for animal testing
Feasibility study of national registry facilitating ‘opt out’ for further use of residual tissue
Ireland's future Research Infrastructure needs
Independent evaluation of the Access to Medicine Index (summary)
Interim evaluation of the Rational Pharmacotherapy (GGG-) Programme
Protein transition Flanders. Study of the status and potential of (high) technological solutions to replace meat proteins in the daily diet.
Evaluation of the Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH)
Desk study on the state of the Life Sciences and Health sector in the Netherlands
Studie naar de financiën van proefdieronderzoek en proefdiervrije innovaties
Gericht op het verminderen van het aantal dierproeven in Vlaandere