EMBL and the research career
Publicatiedatum: 10 februari 2020 | Taal: EN
The European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) has a long tradition of receiving visiting researchers for shorter and longer stays. A stay at EMBL is likely to have a significant impact on a researcher’s career. The study aimed at uncovering what impact a stay at EMBL has had for the individual in his or her research career. 30 EMBL alumni were interviewed with respect to what the stay had led to in their subsequent careers. Almost everyone bear witness of a most positive experience, where enhanced scientific skills and competence development is the most prominent and frequently mentioned outcome. It is clear that the scientific environment is very competitive, but it is also supportive and encouraging. Many researchers think that the stay at EMBL made them advance their research in a way which they otherwise would not have done. Another outcome of a stay at EMBL is the international network of prominent researchers that often is established. For some, this is emphasised as the most valuable effect from their stay, and something that lasts for many years afterwards.