Evaluation of the Health in Common 2020 Initiative (HIC 2020)
Publicatiedatum: 19 september 2024 | Taal: FR
Three years after the outbreak of the global health crisis caused by Covid-19, an evaluation of AFD’s response to this pandemic seemed essential. Firstly, for accountability requirements with regard to the financial volumes mobilised and, especially, due to the major potential for learning from this initiative in terms of the emergency response organised by a development donor such as AFD.
The conclusions of this broad-scope evaluation, covering €1.2 billion of financing implemented in 2020 in some 45 countries, are generally positive. They are not only based on documentary research, but also on two evaluation missions in Senegal and Cameroon, involving development partners in these two countries, in order to take a close look at the projects financed and their adequacy to the needs of our partners. The evaluation highlights the relevance of the support organised by AFD in response to the crisis and the responsiveness in its deployment.