Evaluation of the research programme E2B2, in the field of energy-efficient building and living
Publicatiedatum: 25 juni 2020 | Taal: SV
E2B2 is a research programme in the field of energy-efficient building and living initiated and implemented by the Swedish Energy Agency in collaboration with the Swedish Centre for Innovation and Quality in the Built Environment (IQ Samhällsbyggnad). During the period 2013-2017, the Swedish Energy Agency and co-funding actors have invested about SEK 125 million each in a total of 80 projects.
The evaluation focuses on the work and the results of the projects funded within the programme. The evaluation assesses how well the programme follows the goals set in the programme description, and the quality of funded projects. This end evaluation thus complements the mid-term evaluation from 2016, which focused on the programme’s administrative processes, its importance to users and stakeholders and the potential to reach the goals and objectives set forth.