Evaluation of the Swedish Wind Power Technology Centre
Publicatiedatum: 2 maart 2014 | Taal: SV
Technopolis Group evaluated the scientific merit of the research at the Swedish Wind Power Technology Centre as well as the industrial relevance and use of the results. Scientific merit was evaluated by an international panel of 3 peers. Their view was that the work carried out in the centre is very relevant from both a scientific and a business perspective. The possibilities for further research in the areas covered by the centre were considered good and the strong academic environment at Chalmers vouched for this. The experts argued, however, that researchers in several projects needed to acquire deeper insights into what constitutes international state-of-the-art. The report found that SWPTC has a good opportunity to build knowledge covering the entire wind turbine through its construction and its operation, and especially how different parts and disciplines can work together. This gives members of the centre a unique opportunity to understand how the whole can be optimised and how their own technology will need to be developed.