Knowledge Triangle Activities in the Nordic Countries
Publicatiedatum: 9 maart 2017 | Taal: SV
The Nordic Council of Ministers (NCM) wanted a status overview of ongoing or recently undertaken activities with reference to the concept of The Knowledge Triangle, in the Nordic countries. Future strategies for such activities was covered as well. The overview contained a comparative analysis on national level. The overview was made through document studies, desk research and a number of telephone and face-to-face interviews with governmental representatives in the five Nordic countries. Except in Sweden, the concept of the knowledge triangle was not very much in use. There were occasional references to it, primarily in policy texts addressing the EU. Still, in all five countries, a number of activities were undertaken in a spirit of the knowledge triangle, by which we mean a systemic and continuous integration, where all three parts of the triangle are at least to some extent involved. We repeatedly found cases where entrepreneurship was taken as an indication of knowledge triangle activities. The study was presenteed and used as background material at a NCM conference in Turku, Finland, 23 August 2011.