MoRRI final event presentations Day 2- 7th March (D15.1) Part 3
Publicatiedatum: 12 maart 2018 | Taal: EN
This presentation was delivered at the final event of the MoRRI project during the discussions on policy aspects. The main objective of the event was to disseminate the findings of the MoRRI study.
The event had, as input, a public access version of the final draft of the study report (D11). This deliverable was circulated beforehand to the participants invited to the public event. The public event offered the opportunity to discuss and validate this deliverable in a joint exercise.
This exercise sought to obtain the necessary buy in from key stakeholders regarding the monitoring system and to obtain information on those aspects that can be improved.
A series of participatory workshops allowed the participants representing the different stakeholder groups to comment on specific aspects related to future policy actions.
This is part 3 (of 3) of the presentation delivered during the final event. There are two sections:
- Responsible metrics for RRI – Ismael Rafols
- Limits in measurement – Ingeborg Meijer