Temporário / Full-time
Prazo para as candidaturas: 17 Julho 2023

Leading international research and consultancy firm Technopolis Group is looking for enthusiastic

Senior policy consultants

with knowledge of and experience with

Green transitions, green economy and/or circular economy

In this varied position, you will be given the freedom to work on interesting policy and strategy issues for our (semi)public clients in the Netherlands and abroad. This gives you the opportunity to contribute to solutions for the societal challenges that our clients face. You are responsible for leading, implementing and acquiring research and advisory projects in your field of interest within one or more of our thematic domains. You will do this together with our enthusiastic team of 40 consultants in Amsterdam, often in collaboration with colleagues from our foreign offices. We offer you the opportunity to develop yourself and grow in your role.

About us

Technopolis B. V. in Amsterdam is the Dutch office of Technopolis Group, an international company with more than 220 consultants in 12 offices across Europe, Africa and Latin America. We are an independent and specialised consultancy owned by our employees.

The work we do ranges from supporting policy preparation and strategy development to policy evaluation and impact assessment. Assignments also include coordination of (international) networks and communication of results to experts and a wider audience. On our website you will find various projects that we have carried out successfully.

Our team in Amsterdam consists of about 40 colleagues from different backgrounds and ages. We share a common passion to contribute to solving societal problems and strengthening the economy by improving policy design and implementation. Our expertise is broad and includes various qualitative and quantitative research methods. Thematically, besides our general focus on science, technology and innovation, we have experience in the areas of green economy, life sciences & health, digital transformation, higher education, international cooperation, entrepreneurship and regional policy. We never settle for ready-made solutions, but work with our clients to arrive at an approach that suits their needs.

About the job

As senior policy consultant, you will be one of our most experienced colleagues in a specific domain. This position this domain will be green transitions, a policy field that is strongly linked to developments in sustainability, energy, eco-innovation and the green and circular economy. You carry the title Senior Consultant.

In this position, you will provide clients with knowledge, insight and factual information to answer their complex policy questions. To do so, you translate their questions into a practical approach in which research, based on qualitative and quantitative research methods, and strategic support are central. You know how to translate insights into clear Dutch or English reports for our clients and stakeholders. Projects could, for example, be related to monitoring and evaluation of policies, programmes and institutions or to the preparation of strategic analysis and policy support studies. Clients include Dutch and Flemish governments and regions, various DG’s of the European Commission (DG RTD, DG ENER, DG MARE), CINEA and UNIDO.

You are a consultant who, as an experienced professional, is able to advise our clients based on both research and experience. You also know how to acquire new assignments. You do this in the role of project leader, proposal leader, thematic expert or methodological expert – depending on which role suits you best in a project. Every project has a different question, client, size, duration and complexity. That variety keeps your work interesting. You always work together with an (international) team of consultants. You do this hybrid: partly from home, partly from the office and sometimes at the client’s premises.

Finally, you contribute with your strategic insight to knowledge sharing and strategy development of Technopolis Group and share your knowledge and experience with less experienced colleagues in our team.

Some examples of projects that you could work on:

About you

What we offer

For more information, please visit our office page or the Green Economy page. Our colleagues will be happy to tell you about what it is like to work at Technopolis Group.

Apply immediately

Does our vacancy appeal to you? Then apply now by sending us your cover letter and CV by 17-07-2023.



Mais sobre este escritório

Sobre o Grupo Technopolis

O Grupo Technopolis começou essencialmente como uma empresa de consultoria na área da avaliação de ciência, tecnologia e inovação. Embora a avaliação esteja ainda no âmago da atividade da empresa, fomos ao longo dos anos desenvolvendo know-how próprio para apoiar a tomada de decisões num alargado conjunto de domínios. Os nossos consultores prestam serviços de desenvolvimento estratégico e de foresight, gerem o funcionamento de redes e apoiam a gestão de projetos, incluindo os mais complexos. Utilizamos uma ampla gama de métodos quantitativos e qualitativos nos trabalhos que realizamos. Avaliamos políticas e o seu impacto, assim como apoiamos a comunicação eficaz dessas políticas a especialistas e ao público em geral. Não entregamos soluções prontas para usar, mas trabalhamos com os nossos clientes para, em conjunto, encontrarmos as respostas que melhor satisfazem as suas necessidades.

Trabalhamos com decisores políticos em diferentes níveis e áreas, desde instituições internacionais, como a Comissão Europeia, a OCDE e bancos multilaterais de desenvolvimento, até autoridades regionais e locais. Os nossos clientes incluem governos, agências públicas, universidades e centros de I&D, associações empresariais e clusters.

Mais sobre como trabalhar no Grupo Technopolis