AIMS MathematicalSciences forClimate Resilience(MS4CR) End-ofProgramme ExternalEvaluation

Publication date: 11 September 2024 | Report language: EN

Technopolis Africa has conducted the final evaluation of the mathematical sciences for climate resilience (MS4CR) programme, a programme implemented by the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) in Rwanda, Cameroon, Senegal, Ghana.

The MS4CR program’s objectives are twofold: firstly, to elevate the role of African mathematical scientists in addressing climate change challenges in Africa through training, internships, and research, and secondly, to bolster the consolidation of AIMS’ operations across the continent by enhancing existing AIMS centers.

Following six years of implementation, IDRC has commissioned an end-of-program external evaluation. This evaluation aims to assess the program’s performance, including achieved results, key drivers, obstacles to success, gender equality aspects, the evolution of AIMS training, the program’s alignment with regional development priorities, the African Union’s Science, Technology, and Innovation Strategy for Africa, and the program’s overall appropriateness in advancing higher education and research in mathematical sciences across the African continent.

The evaluation offers a set of recommendations designed to fortify postgraduate training and research programs in mathematics and climate science offered by AIMS and across Africa. The report also provides strategic guidance for AIMS as an organization, taking into account existing challenges and emerging opportunities. This guidance is informed by an extensive review of the relevant landscape and the AIMS 10-year Strategic Plan.