Orla Doherty
Offices: Vereinigtes Königreich
Email: orla.doherty@technopolis-group.com
Orla recently joined Technopolis as a Consultant on the Green Economy Team. She has a strong command of environmental policy consultancy, engaging in projects across a wide variety of subject matters at multiple stages of the policy cycle. This experience has ranged from delivering whole legislative reviews and literature reviews, leading multiple stakeholder engagements, and providing in-depth technical analysis for a series of projects. She also has strong writing skills, delivering on a series of reports for a wide variety of clients including DG ENV.
Before joining Technopolis, Orla gained experience in air quality and industrial emissions, conducting a legislative review on EU Member State livestock permitting regimes as part of the revision of the Industrial Emissions Directive. She has also provided technical support executing an air quality assessment for the Philippines to inform the development of the Asian Development Bank’s Country Partnership Strategies. Moreover, she has supported the evaluation of the EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme, the evaluation of the Nitrates Directive and the Polluter Pays Principle for the European Commission and the Natural Capital and Ecosystem Assessment programme for the UK Government. She provided technical assistance in the form of targeted research, in-depth data analysis and accurate and concise report writing. Other policy sectors she has worked in include chemicals, water, circular economy, green economy, natural capital and air quality.
Orla’s educational achievements include obtaining an MSc in Climate Change: Environment, Science and Policy at King’s College London and a BSc in Geography at the University of Edinburgh.