Review of the Health Systems Research Initiative
Date de publication : 27 octobre 2021 | langue de rapport : EN
Technopolis Ltd was commissioned to conduct an independent, external review of the Health Systems Research Initiative (HSRI) by the HSRI funders (UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, the Medical Research Council, the Economic and Social Research Council and the Wellcome Trust) to understand the impact of the programme, its potential for future impact, and inform the design of future funding programmes. The review was to gather evidence relating to awards made in Calls 1-6 of the HSRI (2014 to 2019) and was carried out between July 2020 and April 2021.
The review had four main objectives:
- To provide information on whether and how the programme delivers on its core aim of generating high quality, internationally competitive research which addresses key questions on strengthening and improving health systems in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs)
- To investigate whether there are outcomes and impacts from research funded by the programme; to explore and describe what barriers and facilitators there are to achieving impact, and how future impact can be maximised
- To provide the funders with case studies representative of the work funded under the programme that can be used to demonstrate the range of outcomes and impact
- To provide guidance to the funders on future monitoring, evaluation and learning for the programme.

The main findings from the review and the study team’s recommendations for future funding calls are presented in the executive summary and the report which can be downloaded from the top of the page.