Dr Matthew Jones is a Principal Consultant in the Green team at Technopolis with over 16 years of policy and evaluation experience in environment, energy and the green transition. He has managed and delivered a wide range of programme evaluations, impact assessments, strategic studies, toolkits and trainings for national government departments, the European Commission, UN and World Bank. He has expertise in a broad range of qualitative and quantitative research methods and evaluation approaches.
Matthew’s recent energy-focussed work includes delivering process evaluations, theory-based evaluations and a research project on disruptive technologies for DESNZ. His recent environment-focussed work includes an ongoing evaluation study for Defra of its resources and waste focussed policies and impacts and he led the development of a Theory of Change Toolkit for Defra, which formed part of the first “Evaluation Strategy for Defra” (published Sept-23). Matthew’s wider work includes a strategic study for DG CLIMA on EU emissions trading after 2030 and a recent ex-post evaluation of Horizon 2020 and subsequent interim evaluation of Horizon Europe with a focus on the green transition for DG Research and Innovation.
Before joining Technopolis Group in 2020, Matthew worked for DNV Energy and AEA Technology (now Ricardo) as a consultant and with the European Commission as an independent consultant. His work during this time included delivering evaluation studies and projects for UK government, DG Energy, DG Environment, UNEP, UNIDO, UNFCCC, the World Bank, the Turkish government, and included leading the development of an M&E system for the UN Climate Technology Centre and Network as part of a strategic partnership.
Matthew holds a PhD from the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST) and spent his early career in science, where he became a Chartered Physicist and worked in academia.