Erik Arnolds artikels
Think pieces on policy options for a new German government
Portugal’s strategic international partnerships with U.S. Universities: A comprehensive evaluation
Use-inspired basic research at SNSF
France: Innovation policy review – a comment
Getting what you measure? Effects of performance-based research funding systems
Erik Arnolds rapporten
Research and Innovation in climate change, resource efficiency and raw materials
Impact evaluation of the Research Council of Norway’s support measures to increase participation in EU -funded research
Impact assessment of RCN’s support measures to increase participation in EU-funded research
TAFTIE's Taskforce Benchmarking Impact, Effectiveness and Efficiency of Innovation Instruments – Evaluation Reference Model
Benchmarking evaluation practices for The European Association for Innovation Agencies (TAFTIE) Management Summary
Assessment of the Basic Principles for Effective International STI Agreements
Latvia – Research Assessment Exercise: Summary report
Measuring scientific performance for improved policy making
Evaluation of Pertinence and Impact of Research Infrastructure Activity in FP7 – EPIRIA
The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research: An analysis of its impact and systemic role
The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research: An analysis of its impact and systemic role
Reform of the research assessment and institutional funding system in the Czech Republic
Evaluation of the ESRC Transformative Research Scheme
Norwegian participation in Horizon 2020 in health, ICT and industry
The Latvian Research Funding System