Evaluation of investments in Research and Technological Development (RTD) infrastructures and activities supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in the period 2007 – 2013
Publicatiedatum: 31 januari 2022 | Taal: EN
This is the ex-post evaluation of investment in Research and Technological Development
(RTD) infrastructures and activities supported by the European Regional Development Fund
(ERDF) in the 2007-2013 programming period. It investigates different levels of analysis (at
country, Operational Programme, instrument and project level) inspired by theory-based
impact evaluation, combining qualitative and quantitative methods.
Findings show that activities originally foreseen in Operational Programmes were
successfully executed, with a high level of funds disbursements. The support focused more
on strengthening the existing RTD capacities than on transforming regional RTD systems. A
positive contribution to R&D capacities was reported especially by infrastructure investments
targeting universities, particularly in EU13 regions. The contribution materialised in a higher
number of students and tertiary attainments, increase in R&D personnel and researchers and
more scientific output.
The main drawback was the lack of observable long-term impacts: improved scientific
knowledge did not translate into technological development and innovation. The economic
crisis certainly played a role in reducing the capacities, especially of the private sector, to
exploit research results. However, synergies and complementarities with existing funding
sources were also not always well exploited. Moreover, administrative failures and legal
constraints exposed implementations to delays, uncertainties and, for some beneficiaries,
financial stress.