Exploring Partnered Research Programmes: A Guide for Funders
Publicatiedatum: 28 juli 2021 | Taal: EN
What are partnered research programmes?
The term partnered research programmes (PRPs) is an encompassing framework for diverse funding opportunities supporting more than one constituency and often sourced by more than one research funder.
In most instances, PRPs are funding opportunities designed to promote collaboration between academic (e.g. higher education, public research organisations) and non-academic actors (e.g. private, government, non-profits). They involve research and experimental development (R&D), training or knowledge exchange activities to strengthen capacities or advancing public or private goods in a range of fields (e.g. economic development, social policy, healthcare or environmental sustainability).
Why this guide?
Over the decades, funding agencies across the world have launched increasing numbers of partnered research initiatives. These programmes have become more diverse and on demand.
This guide promotes good practice in designing, monitoring and evaluating this type of funding scheme