Tatjana Guznajeva's article(s)
Think pieces on policy options for a new German government
Accessibility of education in the digital age: lessons from COVID-19 and a look into the future
The nature of work in the digitised workplace
Technopolis Group big and open data capabilities
Skills of the future, the future of skills: an analysis
20 years on: did the EU Orphan Regulation deliver on its promises?
Digital skills gap? Let’s focus on digital mentality gap!
Tatjana Guznajeva's report(s)
Study on the potential of servitisation and other forms of product-service provision for EU SMEs
Blue Bioeconomy Forum – Roadmap for the Blue Bioeconomy
Realise your R&D ambition: guidebook for Irish Medtech companies
World-class ecosystems in the Finnish economy
Strategic foresight in the Western Balkans: Recovery on the Horizon
Baseline study for the implementation of the lighthouse in the Baltic and North Sea basins for the Mission ‘Restore our ocean and waters by 2030’
Study Providing Methodological Support for the European Higher Education Sector Observatory