Beth Sloan
Senior Consultant - UK Green Economy team
Offices: United Kingdom
Email: beth.sloan@technopolis-group.com
Beth is a Senior Consultant in the UK Green Economy team at Technopolis Group. She has developed expertise in UK and European environmental policy appraisal and economic analysis and has a particular interest in climate change and energy policy. She has experience across air quality, climate change, chemicals, industrial emissions, waste & resources and water policy studies for Defra and the EC (DG ENV, DG GROW) as well as other international and private sector clients.
Beth has delivered work across the policy cycle, including impact assessments, implementation support, and policy evaluation. She is proficient in using best practice guidelines for the sector including the Better Regulation Toolbox/Guidelines and the Magenta Book. Beth has excellent quantitative skills and is proficient in collating, processing and analysing datasets, calculating costs and benefits in impact assessment analysis and carrying out cost-effectiveness analysis of climate change investments. She is also experienced in leading programmes of data collection and stakeholder consultation in a variety of formats. Recently, Beth has been involved in delivering the fitness check of the application of the Polluter Pays Principle across EU environmental policy, and the evaluation of Defra’s 25 Year Environment Plan.
Beth previously worked in the Environmental Policy and Economics team at Logika Group. Prior to this, she completed an internship at the Policy and Programme Division at the UN Environment Programme (UNEP). Beth holds an MSc in Environmental Technology from Imperial College London and a BSc (Hons) in Chemistry from Kings College London.