Impact Assessment Study on Innovation in COST Actions
Publication date: 20 February 2025 | Report language: EN
The COST Association has commissioned Technopolis Group with carrying out an impact assessment to better understand impact pathways that lead to innovation. While the impact paths foreseen by the COST impact model were analysed in previous studies, this study fills the knowledge gap regarding the different types of and paths to innovation of COST Actions.
The study uses a broad definition of innovation. It refers both, to novel approaches at the activity level (in the design and implementation of COST Actions) as well as at the output level, which can include (economic) product and process innovation as well as social innovation.
To explore innovation in and through COST Actions, the study first applies a partly AI-based, quantitative approach, identifying the innovative potential of past COST Actions. This was done by developing indicators we expect to approximate innovative potential, namely an unusual combination of COST instruments, the involvement of many non-academic partners and output indicators for economic and social innovation. The respective data was acquired via scientometric and (AI) document analysis of the COST Actions’ final reports. Based upon that analysis, 12 COST Actions were selected as case studies. The case studies were analysed in depth via document analysis and interviews.