Activating the target groups of science, technology and innovation policies through formal or informal networks and communities has become increasingly important for policymakers. That is why Technopolis Group provides support in building and managing stakeholder engagement networks and communities across our thematic areas. We support our clients in building and managing networks and communities as well as monitoring and assessing their impact.
Here’s what sets us apart from other firms. We have a deep understanding of underlying policy issues and always adopt an impact-centred approach to building and managing networks. We believe it is crucial to design strategies that target the right stakeholders. Our pan-European and international reach also allows us to engage stakeholders from different thematic and geographic contexts. We want to set target groups on the path towards achieving policy goals through interaction and cooperation. Ultimately, this helps to promote good practices, norms and standards.
We offer a wide range of services to support our clients in:
- Scoping and identifying potential network participants
- Designing a network strategy, including the definition of objectives and structure
- Building and managing networks
- Maintaining steady & consistent communication with network members via e-mails, online platforms or phone
- Organising high-profile impact-driven workshops and events, supporting event management partners in the technical implementation
- Showing presence at relevant events & conferences
- Assessing networks’ impact
- Providing continuous progress reporting to our clients
- Analysing relevant policy trends and developments