Zweijahresgutachten 2024
Fecha de publicación: 19 febrero 2025 | Idioma del informe DE
Expertenrat für Klimafragen: Gutachten zu bisherigen Entwicklungen der Treibhausgasemissionen, Trends der Jahresemissionsgesamtmengen und Jahresemissions- mengen sowie Wirksamkeit von Maßnahmen (gemäß § 12 Abs. 4 Bundes-Klimaschutzgesetz)
In this two-year report, the Expert Council on Climate Change analyses previous developments in greenhouse gas emissions (GHG emissions), trends in total annual emissions and sectoral annual emissions, the effectiveness of measures with a view to achieving targets, as well as their social distribution effects and economic efficiency in accordance with the statutory mandate under Section 12 (4) KSG. The analyses focus on developments since 2021 and also present and classify estimates from scientific studies on the scope of investment volumes for Germany’s transformation towards greenhouse gas neutrality. Finally, the Expert Council provides a classification of the direction of Germany’s future climate protection policy and formulates requirements for future climate protection programmes.