Who we are
We are an international research and consulting organisation working predominantly for the public sector throughout Europe, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia and the Pacific. We provide strategic advice, based on evidence and scientific insights, and operational support to help decision makers understand the pressing societal challenges of our time, and shape a sustainable society.
Our people
In the spotlight
Our publications
Zweijahresgutachten 2024
Improving the sustainability performance of state buildings
Evaluation and Impact Analysis Study of the International Partnerships of the Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P. with Carnegie Mellon University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of Texas
Get in touch
Technopolis has 11 international offices, across 3 continents.
Click on the office locations in the map below and get in touch with us directly!

Querstraße 4
60322 Frankfurt am Main
Scharnweberstr. 30
D-12047 Berlin
Teléfono: +49 (0)69 - 34 876 79 82
Correo electrónico: info.de@technopolis-group.com
Arctik – comunicación
Avenue de Broqueville 12
1150 Bruselas
Teléfono: +32 (0) 2 646 58 81
Correo electrónico: info@arctik.eu
Rudolfsplatz 12/11
A-1010, Viena
Teléfono: +43 1 5039592
Correo electrónico: info.at@technopolis-group.com
More infoBélgica – consultoría política
Avenue de Broqueville, 12
B-1150 Bruselas
Teléfono: +32 2 737 74 40
Correo electrónico: info.be@technopolis-group.com
Carrera 2 Este 86-41 Of 601
Correo electrónico: info.co@technopolis-group.com
Costa de Marfil
Cocody Riviera Bonoumin, Le Phare Lot 847 Ilot 61
01 BP 4799 Abidjan 01
Abidjan, Ivory Coast
Teléfono: (00 225) 2723 5542 35
60 Boulevard Diderot
75012 París
Teléfono: +33 1 49 49 09 20
Correo electrónico: info.fr@technopolis-group.com
Países Bajos
Spuistraat 283
1012 VR Amsterdam
Teléfono: +31 20 535 2244
Correo electrónico: info.nl@technopolis-group.com
Av. Liberdade 245, 4A
1250-143 Lisbon
Teléfono: +351 210 304 286
Correo electrónico: info.pt@technopolis-group.com
Reino Unido
3 Pavilion Buildings
Brighton, BN1 1EE
Reino Unido
83 Victoria Street
Londres, SW1H0HW
Reino Unido
Teléfono: +44 1273 204320
Correo electrónico: info@technopolis-group.com
c/o Convendum Drottninggatan 29
111 51 Estocolmo
Teléfono: +46 8 55 11 81 00
Correo electrónico: stockholm@technopolis-group.com
Technopolis Group
3 Pavilion Buildings
Brighton, BN1 1EE
Reino Unido
Teléfono: +44 1273 204320
Correo electrónico: info@technopolis-group.com
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