Cristina Rosemberg Montes
Managing Partner
Offices: United Kingdom
Cristina Rosemberg is a Partner at Technopolis Ltd and Head of the London Office. An economist by training, she has more than 15 years of experience socio-economic impact assessments and evaluation in the areas of economic development, and innovation and the creative industries. Cristina has ample experience in designing and implementing studies that require a mixed-methods approach, including Theory Based Evaluation Methods, quasi-experimental design, data science techniques. She has also elaborated evaluation guidelines for government and practitioners and currently leads a training course in Monitoring and Evaluation for BEIS, in partnership with UCL consultants. Cristina is also an experienced project manager, having led +40 assignments since 2012.
Recent and current assignments as Project Director include the evaluation of UKRI’s COVID-19 response, the evaluation of Growth Hubs (for BEIS), the evaluation of the Strategic Priorities Fund, evaluation of Fund for International Collaboration (UKRI); the evaluations of the ISCFs Next Generation Service and ISCF Audience of the Future (UKRI); the scoping study to set up a M&E plan for the Sector Deal programme (BEIS); the evaluation Open Data Institute’s Innovation Programme (ODI); the development an evaluation framework for the Innovate UK Newton Fund (Innovate UK); and the evaluation of Enterprise Irelands’ Research, Development and Innovation programme (Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation in Ireland). She is currently managing a study to maximise the use of REF (the UK Research Excellence Framework) data for Research England.
Prior to joining Technopolis, Cristina worked for BOP Consulting in London, which specialises in the evaluation of the creative and knowledge industries. During this time, she led projects on economic analysis, economic impact evaluation and intellectual property. In addition, Cristina has conducted evaluations of large-scale policy interventions using counterfactual (econometric) analysis methods while working for the Amsterdam Institute of International Development, the World Bank and GRADE (Peru).
She holds an MSc in Economics from Universiteit van Amsterdam and a BSc in Social Sciences with a major in Economics from Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Cristina is fluent in Spanish and English and has a good understanding of Portuguese.
Cristina’s current and previous relevant studies include:
Evaluations and socio-economic impact assessments of Research, Development and Innovation programmes
- Evaluation of the Growth Hubs, for BEIS (Project Director)
- Evaluation of the Strategic Priorities Fund, for UK Research & Innovation (Project Director)
- Evaluation of the Fund for International Collaboration, for UK Research & Innovation (Project Director)
- Evaluation of the IDB Innovation Lab, for the Inter-American Development Bank (Project Manager)
- Evaluation of Enterprise Irelands’ Research, Development and Innovation programme, for Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation in Ireland (Project Director)
- Evaluation of the Innovation, Science and Technology Fund (FINCyT II), for Innovate Peru and IADB (Project Director)
- Evaluation of the Next Generation Service Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund, for UK Research & Innovation (Project Director)
- Evaluation of the Audience of the Future Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund, for UK Research & Innovation (Project Director)
- Evaluation of the Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund, UK Research & Innovation (Project Manager)
- Evaluation of the R&D programme of the Open Data Institute (Project Director)
- Evaluation of the National Space Technology Programme, the UK Space Agency (Lead economist)
- Evaluation of the impact of the European Union’s Research Funding for Poverty Related and Neglected Diseases, for EC DG RTD (Lead quantitative analysis)
- Evaluation of the ESRC Transformative Research Scheme, for the Economic and Social Research Council (Quantitative expert)
- Evaluation of Ireland’s participation in FP7 and H2020 (Project Manager)
- Final evaluation of Space research under the Seventh Framework Programme for Research, Technological development and Demonstration (FP7), for DG Enterprise (Project Manager)
- Evaluation of the COSME programme, for EC DG Grow (Primary data collection Lead)
- Midterm (interim) evaluation of the “Innovation in SME” and the SME instrument of horizon2020, the EU framework programme for research and innovation (Lead Economist)
- Evaluation of Enterprise Ireland’s Overseas Offices Network, for the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation (Project Manager)
- Evaluation of Enterprise Ireland programme to enhance SME productivity, including a mid-term evaluation of the Lean Programme and an ex-post evaluation of E-business Initiative, for Forfás (Project Manager)
- Evaluation of Enterprise Ireland programme to support SMEs to enter overseas markets, including the ex-post evaluation the Internationalisation Support Programmes and the mid-term evaluation of Going Global, for Forfás (Lead Economist)
- Evaluation of cluster initiatives managed by DG Enterprise and Industry, for DG Enterprise (Team member)
- Socio-economic Impact Assessment General Scientific Programme, for the European Space Agency (Project Manager)
- An assessment of benefits to the UK from its participation in CERN, for the UK Science and Technology Facilities Council (SFTC) (Lead economist)
- Circular Economy Impact Study, for EPSRC (Lead economist)
- Socio-economic Impact Assessment of the ARTES ESA Private Public Partnerships, for the European Space Agency (Team member)
- Economic impact study of the Technical Industrial institutes in Norway, for Research Council Norway (RCN) (using counterfactual analysis) (Lead Economist)
- Evaluation of Ireland’s involvement in the European Space Agency, for Enterprise Ireland (Project Manager)
- Estimating the potential impact of the Sub-Antarctic Region as a driver of development and innovation, for the National Council of Innovation and Competitiveness in Chile (Team member)
- Assessing the economic returns of engineering research and training, for the EPSRC and the RAEng (Project Manager)
- A socio-economic impact assessment of the European Space Agency’s Advanced Telecommunications Research Programme (ARTES), for ESA (Project Manager)
- SIS Lifetime Impact Study, commissioned by the UK Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) (Team member)
- An ex ante Impact Assessment study to establish the public case for EU intervention in support of the open recruitment of researchers across the EU, for DG RTD (Team member)
Evaluation Frameworks
- Evaluation framework for Innovate UK’s Newton Fund, for Innovate UK (Project Director)
- Sector Deal M&E Scoping study, for BEIS (Project Director)
- Study to establish a methodology to assess the societal impact of research and research-based innovation, for Research Council Norway (Project Manager)
- Development of an Evaluation Framework for Innovate UK’s Newton Fund programme, for Innovate UK (Project Director)
- Evaluating the economic and social impacts of cycling infrastructure: considerations for an evaluation framework, for the Department for Transport (DfT), UK (Team member and editor)
- Provision of outcome focused evaluation policy research on the impact of low carbon innovation programmes, for the UK Department of Energy & Climate Change (DECC) (Project manager)
Developing Metrics and Indicators
- Assessment of the economic performance of UK Local Enterprise Partnerships geographical areas, for the UK Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) (Economist, Quality adviser)
- European Cluster Observatory, for DG Enterprise and Industry (Team member)
- Support to the Indicator Expert Group on Education Investment for DG Education and Culture, European Commission (Project Manager)
- Utility model analysis for the Impact Assessment of Utility Model legislation in Europe, for DG Internal Market (Lead Economist)
- Design of an evaluation framework and key performance indicators to track the City of Medellin’s progress in its ambition to become the most innovative city in Latin America, for RutaN (Project Manager)
Programme design
- Ex-ante evaluation of the Capacity building of Professional Engineering Institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa (Africa Catalyst), for the Royal Academy of Engineering (Project Manager)
- Innovation Vouchers to support innovative SMEs, for Innpulsa (innovation agency in Colombia). Secondment supported by the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office
- Preparation of a ‘business case’ for a new national Technology Transfer Fund, for CORFO in Santiago Chile (Project Manager)
- Commercialisation of research and knowledge transfer
- An impact evaluation of Science Foundation Ireland’s (SFI) Centres for Science, Engineering and Technology (CSET) programme (Team member)
- An assessment of the long-term impact of the Swedish Competence Centres on industrial participants performance and researchers, on behalf of VINNOVA (Team member)
Innovation systems
- Independent review of Fundación Chile (Project manager)
- Understanding the role of EU funding in UK research and innovation, for the Royal Society (Project manager)
- Understanding the barriers to International Collaboration in research and Innovation, for the BEIS (Quantitative Lead)
- UK-Peru: partners in science and innovation, for the FCO and British Embassy in Lima, Peru (Project manager)
- Good practices in coordination and governance of the UK science, technology and innovation (STI) system, for the National Council of Science and Technology (Concytec) in Peru) (Project manager)
Other studies
- Evaluation of the Q-Step programme (to improve quantitative skills among social science graduates) for the Nuffield Foundation (Project Manager)
- International review of Fundacion Chile, for Fundacion Chile (Project manager)
- Approaches to regulatory innovation, regulatory sandboxes, and innovation testbeds: A look at international experience and lessons for Latin America, for Inter-American development Bank (Project Director)
Research and Innovation
- Brown, N., Simmonds, P., Rosemberg, C., Rentel, M., Glass, C., De Santo, A. (2020, forthcoming). Evaluation of the benefits that the UK has derived from CERN. Swindon: Science Technology and Facilities Council
- Simmonds, P., Brown, N., Rosemberg, C., Seth, Vivek. “Hartree Centre Phase 1 & 2 Baseline Evaluation”. Swindon: Science Technology and Facilities Council.
- K. Nielsen, K. Farla, C. Rosemberg, P. Simmonds, M. Wain “The role of EU funding in UK research and innovation”
- P. Kolarz, E. Arnold, K. Farla, S. Gardham, K. Nielsen, C. Rosemberg, M. Wain (2016) “Evaluation of the ESRC Transformative Research Scheme.” Available at:
- C. Rosemberg, P. Simmonds, M. Wain, K. Nielsen (2016) “Interim evaluation of Ireland’s Participation in Horizon 2020”. Available at:
- C. Rosemberg, M. Wain, P. Simmonds, B. Mahieu, K. Farla (2016) “Ex-post evaluation of Ireland’s Participation in the 7th EU Framework Programme”. Available at:
- A. Rauder, C. Rosemberg and O. Cassagneau-Francis (2015) “Study on the economic impact of the utility model legislation in selected Member States”. Available at:
- T. Åström, C. Rosemberg Montes, T. Fridholm, A. Håkansson and A. Zika-Viktorsson (2015) “Impact analysis of the technical-industrial research institutes in Norway”. Available at:
- Evaluation Cluster initiatives managed by DG Enterprise and Industry (2014)
- B. Mahieu, E. Arnold, A. Horvath, C. Rosemberg (2012) Evaluation of the Research Council of Norway. Background Report No 5 -Implementing and Adding Value to National Priorities and Developing the National Research and Innovation System. Available at
- Stern, P., E. Arnold, M. Calberg, T. Fridholm, C.Rosemberg, M. Terrell (2013) ‘Long Term Industrial Impacts of the Swedish Competence Centres’. Vinnova Analysis, VA 2013:10. Available at:
International development
- W. Janssens, C. Rosemberg (2014). “The impact of a home-visiting Early Childhood intervention in the Caribbean on cognitive and socioemotional child development”. Economics of Education Review, Volume 39, April 2014.
- M. Pradhan, V. Rao, C. Rosemberg (2010) “The Impact of the Community Level Activities of the Second Urban Poverty Project”. Department of Economics, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam.
- C. Rosemberg, Fort, R. Glave, M. (2010). “Effect of natural disasters on poverty transitions and consumption growth. Evidence for rural Peru”. Well-being and Social Policy. Vol. 6 Num. 1 First Semester 2010.
- R. Novella & C. Rosemberg (2010) Cuándo la plata llega de afuera: ¿Pueden las remesas in terncionales contribuir al desarrollo rural? Perú: el problema agrario en debate – SEPIA XI Editores: Javier Iguiñiz, Javier Escobal y Carlos Ivan Degregori Lima-PERU: SEPIA, 2006. Available at:
Cristina Rosemberg Montes's article(s)
Think pieces on policy options for a new German government
Defining and measuring the digital economy in the UK
The impact of collaboration: the value of UK medical research to EU science and health
Exploring business-university collaboration with ‘Name Entity Recognition’
Study on the economic impact of the utility model legislation in selected Member States
Cristina Rosemberg Montes's report(s)
Coordination and governance of the UK science, technology and innovation (STI) system between the national and sub-national level
Evaluating the economic and social impacts of cycling infrastructure: considerations for an evaluation framework
Evaluation of the ESRC Transformative Research Scheme
Final Evaluation of the Compete Caribbean Program
The role of EU funding for UK Educational research
The role of EU funding in UK research and innovation
Interim Evaluation of the COSME Programme
Hartree Centre Phase 1&2 Baseline Evaluation
An evaluation of UK funding through the ARTES programme
Evaluation of the Benefits that the UK has derived from CERN
Regulatory Sandboxes and Innovation Testbeds: A Look at International Experience and Lessons for Latin America and the Caribbean
LEP Outlook Report 2019
Evaluation of the Enterprise Ireland Research, Development and Innovation Programme
Socio-economic impacts of Diamond Light Source
Evaluation of the Q-Step programme