Technopolis Group

Rebecca Allinson

Managing Partner

Oficina: Reino Unido
Correo electrónico:

Rebecca Allinson is a Director at Technopolis and is responsible for projects/work in the field of European and UK public policy, specifically related to the Higher Education, Research, Information Society and Enterprise Policy This includes research, project management and evaluation. Rebecca has both evaluated and taught evaluation theory and practice. Rebecca is also the Principal of the group-wide thematic area of higher education in Technopolis.

Rebecca’s work in the last few years has concentrated on issues of Higher Education reforms and the interplay between education, research and innovation.  Rebecca works consistently for DG Education and Culture. Studies include issues of the entrepreneurial university, university business cooperation, VET-Business cooperation and ICT in education and training.

Before joining Technopolis Group, she worked as a Senior Research Manager at ECOTEC Research and Consulting Ltd running a project supporting educational technology projects for the European Commission’s IST programme. Other work has included evaluation and benchmarking work for the DfES, analysing best practice in learner support mechanisms for the UK ADAPT programme and doing a study for the JRC (IPTS) to look at Lifelong Learning, Information and Communication Technology and Employability. Rebecca holds a Masters in Silicon Chemistry from the University of Bordeaux and a BSc (Hons) Biological Chemistry from King’s College London. She is fluent in English & French.

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