Léonor Rivoire
Principal Consultant
Oficina: Francia
Correo electrónico: leonor.rivoire@technopolis-group.com
Leonor Rivoire is principal consultant in the Paris office. She joined the Technopolis Group in January 2009.
Léonor’s experience is built on evaluating, studying and analysing public policies at the national, European as well as international levels. She has worked, in particular, on assignments related to innovation and research, international cooperation and EU Framework Programme. Within Technopolis she is managing projects and contributes to studies and evaluations through data collection (desk studies, interviews, focus groups, case studies, questionnaires design) and data analysis (report and recommendations writing). The main areas she works for is research, innovation, and knowledge transfer at the regional, national and European level
She has contributed to the evaluation of major French innovation policies (e.g., the evaluation of the National Cluster Policy, the evaluation of the national competition for the creation of new technology based firms, the evaluation of the Technology Transfer Acceleration Companies – SATT).
Léonor has contributed to several studies at the European level, and in particular to the impact analysis of the Framework Programme domain ICT for transport, the interim evaluation of EU FP7 transport research, the mid-term evaluation on the impact of EU funded research and demonstration projects under FP6 and FP7 in the domain of energy (DG Energy) and the final evaluation of Security research under the FP7. She also contributed to the study entitled ‘Overview of International STI cooperation between Member States and countries outside the EU and the development of a future monitoring mechanism’ (ERAWATCH). She was also involved in the Interim évaluation of the participation of SMEs in the Cooperation Programme and the Research for the benefit of SMEs schèmes (FP7).
Léonor has developed in-depth knowledge of regional innovation and competitiveness support policies and has worked for a number of the French regions (Ile de France, Aquitaine, Basse-Normandie, Nord Pas de Calais).
Léonor has undertaken international cooperation studies for the French Ministry for European and Foreign Affairs (evaluation of the FSP mobilising programme “Support to the co-operation in the field of research in humanities between Maghreb and France”, and contributed to the assessment of decentralised co-operation between France and China, the evaluation of the 5% Initiative (French technical assistance programme that provides support to health authorities, NGOs and research organisations to get access to the Global Fund grants mechanism)
Léonor Rivoire graduated from the Institute of Political Studies (Sciences-Po) of Lyon in 2003 (International Section), and she holds a Master’s degree in Political Sciences in the field of Analysis and Evaluation of Public Policies. Prior to joining Technopolis in 2009, she has the opportunity to work at the IRDES (Institut de Recherche et de Documentation en Economie de la Santé) where she was in charge of the management and follow-up of a European project within the 7th Research Framework Programme (FP).
She is a French native speaker, works in English, and has a good knowledge of Spanish.