Que relatório procura?
Zweijahresgutachten 2024
Improving the sustainability performance of state buildings
Evaluation and Impact Analysis Study of the International Partnerships of the Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P. with Carnegie Mellon University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of Texas
Evaluation des ERP/EIF- Dachfonds – Kurzfassung des Schlussberichts – Studie im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz
Novel policy ideas for a shift to low-carbon mobility
Landscape Review of Research and Innovation Fellowship Offers
Interdisziplinäre MINT-Formate in der Hochschule: Was kann Deutschland von anderen Ländern lernen?
GIZ’s cooperation with the academic and research community
Accompanying process evaluation of FWF’s Emerging Fields
Evaluation of the ‘Directive to promote the sale of electrically powered vehicles (environmental bonus)’
Evaluation des Forschungsprogramms “Technik zum Menschen bringen”
Sweden’s engagement with the International Institute forApplied Systems Analysis
Defining and Measuring the UK Digital Economy
Measuring the impact of research using a data science approach
Evaluation of the Health in Common 2020 Initiative (HIC 2020)
Horizon Europe and the Green Transition: Interim evaluation support study
GPE 2022–2026 Study: Country-Level and Thematic Evaluation
Evaluation of the World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP)
GreenComp in practice: case studies on the use of the European competence framework
Study on the potential of blockchain technology and other digital tools in facilitating EU climate policy implementation
Report on the review of the GHG Projection Data 2024 Summary Special Report
Kartierung und Beschreibung der Open-Access-Dienste in Deutschland
Energy Communities
Study on the Citizens’ Panels as part of the Conference on the Future of Europe
Metastudie „Nachhaltigkeitseffekte der Digitalisierung“
In-depth report on the results of the public consultation on the EU climate target for 2040
Public financing of news media in the EU
Evaluation of the Innovation Competition Schemes of the Investment of the Future Programme (2010-2021)
Studie zu Finanzierungs- und Förderbedarfen von Grünen Gründungen
Evaluation of the governance and funding practices used by the Ministry of Education and Culture for steering Finnish Higher Education Institutions
Study Providing Methodological Support for the European Higher Education Sector Observatory
Evaluation der Fördermaßnahme “Software-Sprint”
Evaluation of the Capacity Market scheme
Evaluation of the digital DAAD funding programmes
Study to support the impact assessment of legislation for plants produced by certain new genomic techniques
Mervärden av att delta i EU:s ramprogram – Added values of participating in EU framework Programmes
Review of Digital Research Infrastructure for AI
Evaluation of the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund for Next Generation Services
Organisational and process review of the Human Frontier Science Program
Fördjupad uppföljning kommunal energi- och klimatrådgivning (EKR) år 2022
Ett näringslivs- och innovationscenter i Nynäshamn?
Baseline study for the implementation of the lighthouse in the Baltic and North Sea basins for the Mission ‘Restore our ocean and waters by 2030’
Carbon neutral aviation: An innovative government instrument for the market ramp-up of Power-to-Liquid (PtL)
EU roadmap highlights key industrial technologies for the textile, construction and energy-intensive industries to become more circular
Added values of participating in EU Framework Programmes
The final evaluation of the Audience of the Future (AotF) programme
Klimaschutz im Gebäudebereich: Erklärungen für stagnierende CO2-Emissionen trotz erfolgreicher Sanierungsmaßnahmen
Kompetensjakten – 10 000 nya medarbetare med högre utbildning inom fem år – hur ska det gå till?
Sandboxing. How to use it to strengthen your local data ecosystem
Biennial Report 2022 – Report on previous developments in greenhouse gas emissions, trends in annual emission levels, and effectiveness of mitigation measures
APPENDICES: Impact evaluation of UK investment in ESA
TECHNICAL ANNEX: Impact evaluation of UK investment in ESA
Impact evaluation of UK investment in ESA – PART B: Programme level reports
Impact evaluation of UK investment in ESA
Review Report on the Immediate Climate Action Programs 2022 for the Buildings and Transport Sector