3 Pavilion Buildings
Brighton, BN1 1EE
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 1273 204320
Email: info@technopolis-group.com
83 Victoria Street
London, SW1H0HW
United Kingdom
Technopolis was established in Brighton in 1989. Started as a spin-off from the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) at the University of Sussex, it has, over time, grown into a global consultancy. The UK team remains very much at the heart of the Technopolis Group. We work closely with colleagues across our ten offices on major projects throughout Europe and around the world.
Technopolis UK conducts studies and evaluations across a wide range of policy areas. We have particular strengths in research and innovation policy, higher education and health, with a rapidly growing presence in areas related to energy policy and international development.
Our experts master a broad range of methodological approaches. Our skills range from econometric and counterfactual analysis on the quantitative side through to more deliberative techniques on the qualitative side. We often employ large-scale international surveys, longitudinal impact case studies and cost-benefit analyses, as well as specialist techniques such as scientometrics.
Recently, we have developed our data science capabilities to benefit from the growth in the number of national and international public access databases that increasingly provide the platform for faster and more insightful analysis across all areas of our business.
Paul Simmonds, Rebecca Allinson and Cristina Rosemberg are the Managing Partners of the UK team of 60, which is highly international, working in 15+ languages, to ensure access to global as well as UK experience. They are supported by Paula Knee, Peter Varnai, Neil Brown, Fraser Macleod, and Zsuzsa Jávorka Partners.
Technopolis Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales.
Registered Office: 3 Pavilion Buildings, Brighton, BN1 1EE
Company number 2354937
VAT: GB 125 4370 34