Which report are you looking for?
Operational delivery of EPCs in Europe
Impact Assessment Study on Innovation in COST Actions
Zweijahresgutachten 2024
Improving the sustainability performance of state buildings
Evaluation and Impact Analysis Study of the International Partnerships of the Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P. with Carnegie Mellon University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of Texas
Evaluation des ERP/EIF- Dachfonds – Kurzfassung des Schlussberichts – Studie im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz
Novel policy ideas for a shift to low-carbon mobility
Landscape Review of Research and Innovation Fellowship Offers
Interdisziplinäre MINT-Formate in der Hochschule: Was kann Deutschland von anderen Ländern lernen?
GIZ’s cooperation with the academic and research community
Accompanying process evaluation of FWF’s Emerging Fields
Evaluation of the ‘Directive to promote the sale of electrically powered vehicles (environmental bonus)’
Evaluation des Forschungsprogramms “Technik zum Menschen bringen”
Sweden’s engagement with the International Institute forApplied Systems Analysis
Defining and Measuring the UK Digital Economy
Measuring the impact of research using a data science approach
Global Barriers in Mental Health Research and Development: Key Findings from Our Study
Evaluation of the Health in Common 2020 Initiative (HIC 2020)
Horizon Europe and the Green Transition: Interim evaluation support study
GPE 2022–2026 Study: Country-Level and Thematic Evaluation
Evaluation of the World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP)
Evaluation of AHRC World Class Labs
GreenComp in practice: case studies on the use of the European competence framework
AIMS MathematicalSciences forClimate Resilience(MS4CR) End-ofProgramme ExternalEvaluation
Executive Summary: Study accompanying pilot projects developing and testing data trustee models in science and business
Study on the potential of blockchain technology and other digital tools in facilitating EU climate policy implementation
Report on the review of the GHG Projection Data 2024 Summary Special Report
Assessing the adequacy and impact of research and innovation policy towards a climate neutral economy
Kartierung und Beschreibung der Open-Access-Dienste in Deutschland
Energy Communities
Study on the Citizens’ Panels as part of the Conference on the Future of Europe
Metastudy “Sustainability effects of digitalisation”
In-depth report on the results of the public consultation on the EU climate target for 2040
Evaluierung der Austrian Cooperative Research (ACR) 2020-2022
The evaluation of the 6 National Cultural Funds in the Netherlands
Public financing of news media in the EU
Research Strategy – Royal Museums of Art and History
Evaluation of the Innovation Competition Schemes of the Investment of the Future Programme (2010-2021)
Stellungnahme zum Entwurf des Klimaschutzprogramms 2023
Prüfbericht zur Berechnung der deutschen Treibhausgasemissionen für das Jahr 2022
Prüfbericht zu den Sofortprogrammen 2023 für den Gebäude- und Verkehrssektor
Study on the Financing and Funding Needs of Green Start-ups
Study on needs assessment and concept development for impact-oriented RTI monitoring
Evaluation of the governance and funding practices used by the Ministry of Education and Culture for steering Finnish Higher Education Institutions
Study Providing Methodological Support for the European Higher Education Sector Observatory
Evaluation der Fördermaßnahme “Software-Sprint”
Evaluation of the Capacity Market scheme
Evaluation study on the European framework programmes – focus on activities for the digital and industrial transition under Horizon 2020
Evaluation study on the European framework programmes – focus on activities related to the Green Transition
Action plan to reduce animal testing in Flanders
Impact evaluation of UKRI’s research and innovation funding response to COVID-19
Landscape Review of Barriers Affecting Progress in Bioimaging
Wellcome bioimaging survey analysis annex
Wellcome bioimaging interview analysis annex
Evaluation of the digital DAAD funding programmes
Evaluation of the Growth Hubs, 2015-2020
Study to support the impact assessment of legislation for plants produced by certain new genomic techniques
Review of peer review
Process evaluation of the UKRI infrastructure programme
Mervärden av att delta i EU:s ramprogram – Added values of participating in EU framework Programmes
Evaluation of EPSRC’s Prosperity Partnerships programme
Evaluation der Agora Verkehrswende (Förderphase 2)
Review of Digital Research Infrastructure for AI
Evaluation of the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund for Next Generation Services
Organisational and process review of the Human Frontier Science Program
Fördjupad uppföljning kommunal energi- och klimatrådgivning (EKR) år 2022
Ett näringslivs- och innovationscenter i Nynäshamn?
Baseline study for the implementation of the lighthouse in the Baltic and North Sea basins for the Mission ‘Restore our ocean and waters by 2030’
Carbon neutral aviation: An innovative government instrument for the market ramp-up of Power-to-Liquid (PtL)
EU roadmap highlights key industrial technologies for the textile, construction and energy-intensive industries to become more circular
Added values of participating in EU Framework Programmes
The final evaluation of the Audience of the Future (AotF) programme
Fostering the utilisation of technological research findings through user involvement
Climate change mitigation in the building sector: Explanations for stagnating CO2 emissions despite successful renovation measures
Kompetensjakten – 10 000 nya medarbetare med högre utbildning inom fem år – hur ska det gå till?
Sandboxing. How to use it to strengthen your local data ecosystem
Study on the potential of different technologies for reducing fossil energy use for industrial heat in Flanders (in Dutch)
A Formative Meta-Evaluation of Seven Swedish National Research Programmes 2017-2021
Biennial Report 2022 – Report on previous developments in greenhouse gas emissions, trends in annual emission levels, and effectiveness of mitigation measures
Scoping the skills needs in the social sciences to support data-driven research
APPENDICES: Impact evaluation of UK investment in ESA
TECHNICAL ANNEX: Impact evaluation of UK investment in ESA
Impact evaluation of UK investment in ESA – PART B: Programme level reports
Impact evaluation of UK investment in ESA
How do new technologies and digital solutions affect product safety and durability?
Evaluation of the Leaders in Innovation Fellowships Programme
Technopolis Group led the new report of the UN Technology Bank which reveals the State of Science, Technology and Innovation in the World’s Least Developed Countries
Evaluation of NordForsk
Evaluation of the Nordic e-lnfrastructure collaboration (NelC)
Evaluation of the Knowledge Foundation’s Programme Expertkompetens
Review Report on the Immediate Climate Action Programs 2022 for the Buildings and Transport Sector
Knowledge exchange and place: A review of literature
Evaluation of the Women Professors Programme, German Federal Ministry for Education and Research, 2020-22
Labour market relevance and quality in higher education in Sweden
The competitiveness of the Swedish R&D system – an international comparative analysis
Moving the Digital Life Sciences in Norway towards increased innovation
Digital Life Norway
Medical isotope production using local cyclotrons: a comparative study between Denmark and the Netherlands
How can GovTech help modernise the public sector?
Evaluation of the Q-Step programme
Study on copyright and new technologies
Study on Opportunities and Challenges of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technologies for the Cultural and Creative Sectors
Defra Theory of Change (ToC) Tool
On you marks, get set, fund! Rapid responses to the Covid-19 Pandemic
Study on copyright and new technologies – copyright data management and artificial intelligence
SUSTAIN-2: Impact study of the European Social Survey
Querschnittsevaluation „Unterstützungslandschaft für innovative Gründungen“
Evaluierung des Weizenbaum-Instituts für die vernetzte Gesellschaft – das Deutsche Internet-Institut
Socio-economic impact evaluation study of the UK subscription to ESO
Study to support an impact assessment for the review of the Database Directive
Skills supply of higher educated people to the Innovation and Chemical Industries in Sweden
Evaluation of the Academy of Finland
Role of international higher education partnerships in contributing to the sustainable development goals
Evaluation of the participation of the German Higher Education sector in Erasmus+ cooperation projects
Evaluation of the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI)
Evaluation of investments in Research and Technological Development (RTD) infrastructures and activities supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in the period 2007 – 2013
A co-creative space to combat unemployment and foster entrepreneurship in Helsingborg City
10-year impact assessment of the UK’s Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation programme
Review of UKRI’s response to COVID-19
Market uptake of sustainable aviation fuels
Drive Sweden
Smart Built Environment
Evaluating the 17 Strategic Innovation Programmes (SIPs)
Evaluatieonderzoek organisaties voor toegepast onderzoek (TO2)
OECD Innovation Policy Review of Kuwait 2021
Measured effectiveness of Corona support
Evaluation of the Fuel Quality Directive
Businesses’ views on Swedish R&D policy
Evaluation of four initiatives for labour market and skills supply
Mid-term report on the evaluation of the Centre for Transforming Access and Student Outcomes (TASO)
Study for Horizon 2020 for the COST Association
The impact of EMBL experimental services
Technical support for LULUCF virtual workshop 2021
Review of the Health Systems Research Initiative
Study on sustainable and resilient supply of medical radioisotopes in the EU
Strategic foresight in the Western Balkans: Recovery on the Horizon
Evaluation of the Innovation Program for Business Models and Pioneering Solutions (IGP)
Circular economy market analysis in Estonia
Exploring Partnered Research Programmes: A Guide for Funders
Assessment of ten years of AFD’s action in New Caledonia
Reviewing the contribution of the land use, land-use change and forestry sector to the Green Deal
Access to medicinal products
Socio-economic impacts of Diamond Light Source
Evaluation of the COMET programme
Scaling up technology startups
Advancing Cleantech and Bioeconomy in Finland
The scientific, technological and societal conditions for the end of the COVID-19 crisis
Evaluation of the Dutch National Research Institutes for Applied Technologies (TO2)
World-class ecosystems in the Finnish economy
Flexible and printed electronics
Evaluation of the Enterprise Ireland Research, Development and Innovation Programme
International Evaluation of Scientific Institutions’ Activity
Open Access Strategy for Malta
Open Data, Research Data Management and EOSC
Transition costs for Open Science in the Netherlands
Evaluation of ARI
Econometric evaluation of the impact of the French Technological Research Institutes
Evaluation of the SPACE R&D Programme (PIA Espace)
Development of a method to assess the impact of Technology Transfer Acceleration Companies
Evaluating the delivery of the OfS investment in the Centre for Transforming Access and Student Outcomes
Meta-evaluation of the second round of strategic innovation programmes after six years
Six-year evaluation of the strategic innovation programme SIO Grafen
Six-year evaluation of the strategic innovation programme for aeronautics, Innovair
Six-year evaluation of the strategic innovation programme BioInnovation
Six-year evaluation of the strategic innovation programme for life science, Swelife
Evaluation of national system for quality assurance of higher training
FH-Impuls – Strong Universities of Applied Sciences – Impulse for the region
Study into the finances of animal testing and animal-free research innovations
Utredning om mulig parallell struktur i nasjonalt kvalifikasjonsrammeverk for livslang læring
Fostering collaboration across entrepreneurial ecosystems
Policy recommendations to integrate Environmentally Sound Technologies (ESTs) into National Innovation Systems (NIS) in Latin America and the Caribbean
LEP Outlook Report 2019
Regulatory Sandboxes and Innovation Testbeds: A Look at International Experience and Lessons for Latin America and the Caribbean
Evaluation of the Benefits that the UK has derived from CERN
Territorial Trends in Technological Transformations
Read & Publish contracts in the context of a dynamic scholarly publishing system
Execution of a monitoring exercise for the Austrian National Contact Point for Intellectual Property (NCP-IP)
Socio-economic impact assessment of the CCU hub implementation in the North Sea Port industrial zone
Evaluation of the International Geoscience and Geoparks Programme
Desk study on the state of the Life Sciences and Health sector in the Netherlands
“L’économie circulaire en Région de Bruxelles-Capitale”
Technology intensive start – ups in Estonia
Development of the Smart Specialisation Strategy for the East Netherlands (Province Gelderland and Province Overijssel, the Netherlands, 2019)
Future competence needs of enterprises
Science Europe Study on Research Assessment Practices
Realise your R&D ambition: guidebook for Irish Medtech companies
Blue Bioeconomy Forum – Roadmap for the Blue Bioeconomy
Six-year evaluation of the strategic innovation programme for the Swedish mining and metal producing industry – STRIM
Six-year evaluation of the strategic innovation programme Lightweight
Innovation cooperation between the EU & LAC – Challenges & opportunities
Six-year evaluation of the strategic innovation programme Metallic materials
The expected impact from CIRCO to (future) CO2-reduction
Potential of the fourth industrial revolution in Africa
Joint STEM lab facility
Analysis of Intersectoral Mobility
European Resource Efficiency Knowledge Centre (EREK)
Why SMEs default in Sub-Saharan Africa: the example of ARIZ
IMproving PRedictions and management of hydrological EXtremes (IMPREX)
Analysis of academic recognition for higher education students studying abroad with the Erasmus+ programme
International Landscape Study of Research and Innovation Systems
Innovatives Wien 2020 Evaluierung
Evaluation of the Global Challenge Research Fund (GCRF) – Foundation Stage
An evaluation of UK funding through the ARTES programme
International Comparison of Public Investments in Key Enabling Technologies
Evaluation of the “Middle East and North Africa Scholarship programme”
Assessment of tools and deliverables under the framework for European cooperation in education and training (ET2020)
Evaluation of the three Luxembourg Centres de Recherche Public
Evaluation of the Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH)
Barriers and opportunities for Norwegian participation in the European Research Council (ERC)
Supporting Green Growth in Fragile and Conflict-affected Settings
Protein transition Flanders. Study of the status and potential of (high) technological solutions to replace meat proteins in the daily diet.
Mid-term review of the “UNESCO Small Island Development States Action Plan”
Competitiveness Clusters – Economic impacts
Evaluation Midterm Review of PSD
Research careers at universities and large companies
Hartree Centre Phase 1&2 Baseline Evaluation
Improving Norway’s Performance in the EU Framework Programme
MRC Review of the MRC-DFID Concordat
A study of state funding of universities and colleges in The Netherlands, Norway and Austria
How should we evaluate complex programmes for innovation and socio-technical transitions?
Effects of supplementary protection mechanisms for pharmaceutical products
Final report – Summarising insights from the MoRRI project D13
Support to the generation of a Research and Innovation Funding Service
Study on the potential of servitisation and other forms of product-service provision for EU SMEs
Industrial internet of things: Digitisation, value networks and changes in work
Intellectual Property Policy Evaluation
Policy brief D8
Study in Support of the Evaluation of the Database Directive
Connecting Science and Society: NWO strategy 2019-2022
Game changing technologies: Exploring the impact on production processes and work
Cooperation fostering industrial symbiosis: market potential, good practice and policy actions
What public policies to promote economies of raw materials?
Short draft final report on insights from monitoring the evolution and benefits of RRI in Europe D11
Presentations MoRRI final event (D15) – 7th March part 1
Presentations MoRRI final event (D15) – 7th March Part 2
MoRRI final event presentations Day 2- 7th March (D15.1) Part 3
MoRRI – final presentation – Day 1, 6th March 2018
Presentations MoRRI final event (D15) – 7th March part 1
Study on the Swedish companies’ view on the universities’ innovation offices
Impact evaluation of National Research Programmes 59, 60 and 61
Study to Monitor the Economic Development of the Collaborative Economy in the EU
Feasibility study of a Blue Economy Cluster in La Réunion Island
How can the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation increase the economic and societal impact of RDI funding in Finland?
The evolution of Responsible Research and Innovation in Europe: The MoRRI indicators report (ANNEX) D4.3
The evolution of Responsible Research and Innovation in Europe: The MoRRI indicators report D4.3
Mid-term Review of the Norwegian Programme for Capacity Development in Higher Education and Research for Development (NORHED)
The Latvian Research Funding System
Assessing the Impacts of EU Regulatory Barriers on Innovation
Interim evaluation of the Rational Pharmacotherapy (GGG-) Programme
Interim Evaluation of the COSME Programme
Developing regional industrial policy capacity
Norwegian participation in Horizon 2020 in health, ICT and industry
Evaluation of Norwegian Innovation Clusters
Evaluation of the research programme E2B2, in the field of energy-efficient building and living
Report on the Researchers’ Survey D9.1
Evaluation of Directive 2006/42/EC on Machinery
Novel multi-sector partnerships in disaster risk management
Comparative impact study of the European Social Survey (ESS) ERIC
UNESCO Capacity Building in Science Technology and Innovation
Evaluation of the UNESCO Science Report
The search for synergy: Business Environment Reform and Green Growth: A practical guide for policy practitioners
Increased coherence and openness of European Union research and innovation partnerships
Case study analysis of a selection of projects in the User-driven research-based innovation (BIA) programme
The role of EU funding in UK research and innovation
The role of EU funding for UK Educational research
Knowledge Triangle Activities in the Nordic Countries
Evaluation of the SME innovation support scheme Top sectors (MIT)
Evaluation of Dutch ICT policy (2011-2015)
Cumulative Cost Assessment for the EU Chemical Industry
Evaluatieonderzoek organisaties voor toegepast onderzoek (TO2)
Technopolis Group Position Paper on Horizon 2020
Final Evaluation of the Compete Caribbean Program
International Comparison of Energy Transitions
RRI benefits and economic effects: summary and assessment of empirical data D5.3
Development of metrics and indicators for RRI projects D6
Impact assessment of Iron & Steel
An assessment of the cumulative cost impact of specified EU legislation and policies on the EU forest-based industries
Evaluation of Hightech Gründerfonds
Evaluation of collaborative research in the field of Basic Scientific Research in natural Sciences
Universities of Applied Science and Smart Cities: Opportunities in European Programmes
Evaluation STW
Evaluation of the ESRC Transformative Research Scheme
Regulatory barriers for the circular economy
Ethical Aspects of Cyber-Physical Systems. Scientific Foresight Study
R&D Attraction Networks-A report on stakeholder co-operation and STI diplomacy to attract investments in R&D
Study on the different roles of big and small member states in the context of Horizon 2020
In-depth case studies on the benefits of RRI across the scientific disciplines and industrial sectors D5.2
Qualitative impact of the Energy Agreement on employment
Unblocking technology and knowledge commercialisation in Peru
Assessment of the demand for a federal web-based Open Innovation platform for SMEs, public research organisations and universities as well as independent inventors in Germany
Independent evaluation of the Access to Medicine Index (summary)
Evaluating the economic and social impacts of cycling infrastructure: considerations for an evaluation framework
Mid-term evaluation of the second Programme for Global Health and Vaccination Research (GLOBVAC2)
Update of the literature review and Visioning exercise D5.1
Evaluation of Nordplus
Evaluation of CTA’s ST&I Programme (2010-2014)
Metrics and indicators of Responsible Research and Innovation – Progress report D3.2
REF Accountability Review: Costs, benefits and burden
Ireland’s future Research Infrastructure needs
Enhancing the intellectual property activities in the firm base in Ireland
Strengthening Ireland’s Market Focused Research Centre Landscape
Evaluative study on the Cross-Border Healthcare Directive
Reform of the research assessment and institutional funding system in the Czech Republic
Synthesis report on existing indicators across RRI dimensions Progress report D3.1
A Mapping of Smart Ageing Activity in Ireland and An Assessment of the Potential Smart Ageing Opportunity Areas
Monitoring and evaluation framework for the Joint Programming Initiative on Neurodegenerative Diseases Research (JPND)
Evaluation of the Dutch Innovation Programme on Food and Nutrition
Evaluation of InnoSport
Impact assessment of Tekes’ activities on environment and wellbeing
Feasibility study of national registry facilitating ‘opt out’ for further use of residual tissue
Conference personalised cure and care
Businesscase alternative approaches for animal testing
Research Management Performance of projects in FP6, FP7 and Horizon 2020
Roadmap and evaluation TKI BBE
Analytical report on the dimension of citizen engagement and participation of societal actors in research and innovation (D2.1)
Analytical report on the dimension of science literacy and scientific education (D2.2)
Analytical report on the gender equality dimension (D2.3)
Analytical report on the dimension of research and innovation Ethics (D2.4.1)
Analytical report on the dimension of Research and Innovation Governance (D2.4.2)
Analytical report on the dimension of open access (D2.4)
Assessing the research potential of access to clinical trial data
Ex post Evaluation and Impact Assessment of Funding in the FP7 NMP Thematic Area
KTH Administration Assessment Exercise: Teacher support
Evaluation of the Developing Operational Research Capacity in the Health Sector Project
Evaluation of STINT Scholarship for Academic Excellence
Evaluation of the Fulbright Norway subsidy scheme
The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research: An analysis of its impact and systemic role
Benchmarking Safer Internet policies in the EU Member States
Review Product Development Partnerships for fighting poverty related diseases
The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research: An analysis of its impact and systemic role
Assessment of the performance and impact of the first programme of the European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP)
Final Evaluation of 4 KK-profiles
Evaluation of Pertinence and Impact of Research Infrastructure Activity in FP7 – EPIRIA
Verschuivende paradigma’s in het ruimtelijk economisch beleid
Foreign education providers in the Nordic countries
Coordination and governance of the UK science, technology and innovation (STI) system between the national and sub-national level
Evaluation of a research program for energy efficiency in cultural heritage building
Feasibility Study for the Design and Implementation of Demand-side Innovation Policy Instruments in Estonia
A Nordic perspective on EMBL and the research career
EMBL and the research career
Evaluation of the Regional Research Funds in Norway
Measuring scientific performance for improved policy making
Latvia – Research Assessment Exercise: Summary report
Assessment of the Basic Principles for Effective International STI Agreements
Evaluation of the Swedish Wind Power Technology Centre
Benchmarking evaluation practices for The European Association for Innovation Agencies (TAFTIE) Management Summary
EFFSYS+ evaluation
Feasibility study for the development of a certification mechanism for genuinely good HR management in the public research sector in Europe
Evaluation of Walloon Competitiveness Clusters
Microalgae-based products for the food and feed sector: an outlook for Europe
ERAWATCH International 2
Regional Innovation Scoreboard
TAFTIE’s Taskforce Benchmarking Impact, Effectiveness and Efficiency of Innovation Instruments – Evaluation Reference Model
The Wind unit implementation plan: objectives and indicators
Mid-term evaluation of the Bioenergy Feedstock Programme
Final Evaluation of Wind Power Center
University Mergers in Sweden and Denmark
Evaluation of the Hubert Curien Partnership Tassili
A Survey on Patent Licensing Activities by Patenting Firms
Impact assessment TBM programme (Applied Biomedical Research) in Flanders
Impact assessment of RCN’s support measures to increase participation in EU-funded research
Impact evaluation of the Research Council of Norway’s support measures to increase participation in EU -funded research
The impact of the financial crisis on research and innovation policies in EU Member States
Evaluation of a research programme to produce evidence for municipalities’ decisions on energy efficiency and sustainability
A Review of the Effectiveness of the Governing Body (‘The Council’) of EPSRC
IEA Bioenergy – Evaluation of Swedish participation
Research and Innovation in climate change, resource efficiency and raw materials
Meta-evaluation of six competence centres in Sweden
Action Plan for demand side policies
Evaluation of Energy Efficiency Transportation Programmes
Mapping of other organisations’ internationalisation activities
Study on the contribution of standardization to innovation in European-funded research projects
Comparative analysis Bsik and Fes impulses